
Donate to Sing From Your Heart Chorus

Imagine a world where music transcends memory loss, where voices come alive with joy, and hearts are filled with harmony. That's the world that Sing From Your Heart Chorus creates for individuals living with memory loss or dementia. Our community chorus brings the healing power of music to those who need it the most, providing a safe space where they can express themselves, connect with others, and find solace in the magic of song.

Your support will make a real difference in the lives of these individuals. With your gift, we can provide sheet music, rehearsal supplies, equipment, safe and accessible space and professional direction and accompaniment, ensuring that our chorus members have everything they need to fully participate in our program. Your generosity will enable us to provide free access the therapeutic benefits of our chorus.

Sing From Your Heart Chorus is more than just a community choir – it's a lifeline for those facing the challenges of memory loss. Research has shown that music has a profound impact on individuals with dementia, stimulating memoriesreducing anxiety, and improving overall well-being. By supporting our chorus, you're not only enriching the lives of our members, but also promoting mental health and enhancing the quality of life for those who often feel isolated and forgotten.

Your donation will go a long way in helping us meet the needs our program and continue to bring the joy of music to those who need it the most. Every dollar makes a difference and demonstrates your commitment to making a positive impact in our community.

Join us in our Mission to encourage and inspire persons with memory loss and dementia to live well through the power and joy of singing together.

Your generosity will make a meaningful impact and help us continue to Sing From Your Heart.

Sing From Your Heart Chorus is grateful for a partnership with Memory Café of Red River Valley. Memory Café RRV is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and has generously offered to receive and process your tax-deductible gifts to support the Chorus.

Please make your personal checks payable to:

Memory Café / Sing From Your Heart Chorus
PO Box 883
Fargo, ND 58107

If you prefer to give using your credit card, please use this link – Donate to Sing From Your Heart Chorus – and then use the “+Write a note (Optional)” feature to indicate your gift is for Sing From Your Heart Chorus. This “+Write a note” feature is located near the top of the second page of the Donate form, just above the Contact Information and where you enter your credit card.

If you have any questions about additional ways to support the Chorus, please Contact Us.

Concerts & Rehearsals Schedule